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"The Scientific Use of the Imagination." Tyndall caricature c1872.

by Cecioni, Adriano

Vanity Fair caricature of Professor John Tyndall, F.R.S.

"He is an Irishman, and has the combativeness of his race; but he has its persuasiveness in a still larger measure, and though never known to decline a challenge, and generally victorious in the issue, knows the arts which make him a lttle less challenged than some of his brethren in the same pursuits." "It is in adding to the great discoveries.. concerning heat and light as modes of motion.. that Mr. Tyndall's most characteristic fame as a leader of Science has been won. But he is a man of muscle, and a man of imagination, and a man of conversation, almost as much as a man of science." Famous for his lecture on "The Scientific Use of Imagination.. Social habits have taught him also the scientific use of conversation.."

Chromolithograph from a caricature by Adriano Cecioni who was an artist for six months with Vanity Fair, a weekly magazine of social comment, published in London from 1868 to 1914. With eight to ten pages each issue, Vanity Fair magazine's popularity was guaranteed with the inclusion of an amusing caricature, lithographed from a watercolour, parodying any newsworthy personage. Over the years of publication it became a mark of honour to be the 'victim' of one of the magazine's caricaturists. The publisher,  accompanied each caricature with a witty text, written under his pseudonym of 'Jehu Junior' (after the biblical prophet who effected the downfall of his enemies). Bowles considered the caricatures made grim faces more grim, grotesque figures more grotesque, and dull people duller by the genius of ‘Ape’" (Carlo Pellegrini, 1839-1889), the magazines' first artist who set the tone for the other artists. The first time lithography had been used for caricatures, they were printed by the eminent lithographer, Vincent Brooks (1814-1885).

Page size 355 x 230 (14 x 9 inches). In good condition except for a mark in the margin at lower right.


Stock Number: apVF43Price: $90.00
